Flashback 25th Anniversary Collector's Edition - Nintendo Switch

Started by BLUEVOODU, May 22, 2018, 09:48:58 PM

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I noticed this today:
Flashback 25th Anniversary Collector's Edition - Nintendo Switch - amazon.com

I liked this game when I 1st played it many years ago.  I'm pumped for the re-release... thought it's $40.   @targetrasp ... this one isn't showing up with the pre-order discount with prime either.

What I like about this... there is a limited edition numbered metal cartridge, a retro styled metal case... and other stuff.  This looks like a pretty legit limited release.

Image from the amazon.com listing:

@retro junkie Did you ever play this?

Anyone else excited for this release?

Thoughts? comments?  Post it up!



Not a clue what the game is, but it's got some pretty cool shit with it. :o 


it happened in the 16 bit era, kinda piggy-backed off of the popularity of Out of the World.


@Kinikko yeah... and Prince of Persia.  remember how they were advertising Prince of Persia as having amazing animation?  Ie many frames of animation for an action performed?  This also was a concept behind flashback. 

Definitely great pre-order items!   My bad @targetrasp lol...  I haven't been able to buy yet.  But I need to... I liked this game a lot 


I got out of the word on the snes, completely skipped flashback, maybe i'll get to play it this time


Quote from: targetrasp on May 31, 2018, 12:10:54 AM
I got out of the word on the snes, completely skipped flashback, maybe i'll get to play it this time
There's no reason not to @targetrasp ... Lol... it's a pretty fun game.

I have yet to buy.. Too much going on right now. I want to get this special edition thought. I'm pumped for it.

@Kinikko is right...  the swag in this game is pretty good.  Too bad other games aren't like this. I want the metal game.


I'm oddly pumped that the game is including instructions.

It seems like a little thing but it's been weird not getting books with new games. It feels like something is missing.


@targetrasp That is odd... but it's cool they are including them this time around.  We knew after the Ps3 / Xbox 360 days (even during)... the manual wasn't going to stay around much longer... but to me it's odd to see Nintendo following suit.  They've always been the better company for providing manuals and other extras.

BTW... I pre-ordered.


Time is coming soon for this to be released... July 31st is the current stated release date.  They could still push it back of course lol...

Pretty pumped for this to be released.


speaking of instructions ---

Maybe its because I rarely paid attention to these things until I screwed something up but I just noticed today how almost nothing comes with them anymore.

My boss purchased a google wifi setup with 3 APs for his house. It was the most simple thing I've ever had the luxury of installing. there were directions on how to plug the first one in and connect it to your modem and how to download google wifis app. This was a small sheet that made up part of the packaging for one of the cords.

Bringing it back on topic...

I'm glad this has a bunch of flimsy paper and crap people will lose, soil or throw away because I really plan to just put it up. not even sure if i'll open it.


Lol @targetrasp ... I wish I had that arrangement.   But then again... maybe something else comes along with it.

You're not going to open and play this game?  Hm... sounds like we need to buy a case each and stash it for 5 years.

Maybe I should try to re-engage  some of my contacts. 


I really believe that if purchased smartly and treated like an investment that a lot of money could be made by buying toys, video games, other collectibles, and putting them up....

I remember at one point a local game store was using a Nintendo 64 as a door stop. Crappy used one from gamestop cost 79.99 now - boxed is well above msrp way back when.

Scalpers and discipline make it difficult for me, and space.

A lot of thought has to be put into it. It'd probably take 30 years before a sealed copy of Burnout Remastered amounted to anything close to what msrp cost but with some research and a little luck who knows.

retro junkie

Quote from: BLUEVOODU on May 22, 2018, 09:48:58 PM
@retro junkie Did you ever play this?

Yes I did.  But I didn't get very far. In those days I stuck with SHMUPS mostly. I need to revisit and dig that one out of the bottom of my stash. Seems like I have it for the Genesis.
there is no spoon


@targetrasp That is very true.  I've been thinking about buying and selling - A LITTLE BIT here and there.  Nothing like I was.  The formula is pretty easy... but it's the years you have to wait - which could be worth it for a little space and no harm no foul.  Then you think about what you made on that purchase... or if that $$ would've made a little more in the market.

@retro junkie - It's definitely an interesting game.  Not something that will keep a lot of attention for super long periods of time... but you know how those games were made back then.  It was fun to play... interesting.  AT LEAST... that's how I remember it  ;D


Wasn't Out of this World the bigger hit? why no crazy remake retro packaging for that one?


Quote from: targetrasp on July 27, 2018, 11:15:08 PM
Wasn't Out of this World the bigger hit? why no crazy remake retro packaging for that one?
Well... out of this work was 1st @targetrasp

This game came out as a "fluid motion" and somewhat of a technical master piece (in its own way).   price of Persia used the multiple frames of animation styling - which I looked up and was called rotoscope.  I had to look this up because I couldn't remember lol... yes... I'll admit that.  so... FlashBack used this same technique to get uber fluidity to the animation.

According to what I remember and read... Flashback was a pretty big Commercial success.  I don't think Out of This World made it that big.

Update:  Here's more information at the FlashBack Wiki Page



yes! I got the same thing @targetrasp  NICE!  I will be opening and playing Saturday lol  ;D

Still debating picking up a couple more...


mine came early, it's still wrapped though...

I don't think there was a lot of hype about this game so i'm guessing there's not going to be a ton of them made. I may keep this copy intact and wait to find a used copy at a game store, or watch them go on sale for cheap somewhere.


Quote from: targetrasp on August 03, 2018, 08:25:28 PM
mine came early, it's still wrapped though...

I don't think there was a lot of hype about this game so i'm guessing there's not going to be a ton of them made. I may keep this copy intact and wait to find a used copy at a game store, or watch them go on sale for cheap somewhere.
@targetrasp I ordered a couple more  ;)

I'm opening mine TONIGHT... or tomorrow lol.  Time is tight tonight.


I was considering ordering another so I could open and play one but now amazon says it usually ships in 1 to 2 months. Maybe there's not a lot of these..


@targetrasp Well... my plate is numbered to 40,000... so there has to be at least that many.  I will write a full on review soon with pictures.  The metal case is cool, but not exactly what I had in mind and the manual doesn't fit in that case.  Still pretty cool and the extras are pretty cool for what I've seen in some collectors editions.


it'd be nice to know what number it was before opening it



did yours get opened and enjoyed? I've not cracked the shrink wrap on mine


Quote from: targetrasp on August 27, 2018, 02:19:46 AM
did yours get opened and enjoyed? I've not cracked the shrink wrap on mine
@targetrasp  NICE!  You're one of the 1st one to start getting the post bars lol.  Half.  I started those at 500.

OK... we actually enjoyed playing it.  I started playing the original mode and forgot how much of a punch in the face this game initially is without instructions.  I haven't played it in awhile, so I figure everything out again lol.   SO... after repeatedly punching myself in the face... I got it.  It was a lot of fun.  Hopefully I can do up a full on review for this game.

Here is my review on Amazon.com:
Bluevoodu's Amazon.com review of Flashback 25th Anniversary Collector's Edition - Nintendo Switch

We then started playing the new modes... I will save this for my main review... unless you want to hear it now? :)  Essentially there's a tutorial and stuff like that.

There are video options where you can make it like you were playing with Scan Lines...etc... and CRT settings to make it look more like a CRT.  Overall.. it's pretty fun.    The only real downside I see is the color manual doesn't fit in the thin metal case.  The manual is too tall. IMO that's not a BIG deal... it's kind of dumb... but not a big deal.  Game wise... it's fun. 

IDK if you should open yours - that has to  be your choice.  I still have sealed games I haven't played yet, but I generally get around to opening them and playing at some point.


It probably would have taken me another 500 posts before I would have noticed them, and another 1000 before I realized what they were!

I read the review and the game seems worthy but ima keep mine wrapped for at least a little while longer. I'm going to get my mileage out of Zelda for the moment.


lol... Maybe it would have.

If you even remotely liked the original Flashback on the Super Nintendo (Snes)... you will definitely like this game.  It was such a punch in the face 1st playing the game though.   It took me a minute to figure it out and that was frustrating.  I completely forgot a lot of the game.... which is good for the initial play value because it's like never playing the game before LOL.


I vaguely remember being too young to appreciate what a pain in the butt Flashback and Out of this World truly was. I especially remember repeatedly dying right off the bat. I'm sure it'd be the same now!