Super Mario Bros 35 - Nintendo Switch - Who has been playing?

Started by BLUEVOODU, October 11, 2020, 09:31:22 PM

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In the topic Nintendo Direct - Super Mario Bros 35th - it didn't disappoint, we talked about many of the cool announcements in the Nintendo Direct.  Now that Super Mario Bros 35 has been launched.... who has been playing?  What are your thoughts.

I have so far at least achieved a 1st place once...  and many second place finishes.  It is definitely a challenge playing against all those other opponents and getting their enemies throw over into my level (and vice-versa).   IE if you get a star... and have a bunch of enemies thrown on your level... you can plow right through them all.  If you have many people attacking you... they will get all those enemies back (all those targeting you at the same time).  It's a lot of fun.

What are your experiences? 



my switch is still in the laptop bag i took on vacation last month, packed away in my closet. I've been meaning to get it out and charge it up every weekend but haven't made the effort yet.

Seems like a great game to fill small gaps of time with