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The Coffee Drinker's Paradise

Started by BLUEVOODU, September 03, 2018, 10:14:11 AM

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This thread is for coffee lovers.  Similar to the "what are you eating right now" thread... what coffee are you drinking right now? 

Post up how you like your coffee, if you put stuff in it or not, and how you make it (brewed normally, French press, Bialatti espresso makers... etc).

This thread is also for you to show off your local coffee shops you love... the blends they make... and please provide links to those coffee shops if they are available.  If you get it from work, star bucks, or your local Kerrigan machine... that's cool too - post it. 

This is the coffee thread. Post it up!


Coffee ... one of the best gamer drinks.   

I go to a local coffee shop here called Old Crown. They have a wonderful variety ... but I'm partial to their Espresso 101 Blend.   I have them cut it for French press and I French press the coffee.   

Lol... I was talking to them about what I do with the French press and they're like "you French press Espresso 101?? How do you sleep?". It's good. It's tasty. It's bold... and I drink it black. This is what I'm drinking this morning.

I searched for a link for the coffee shop.  It appears this is it:
Old Crown Inc Website

Princess Peach

I am currently drinking Gevalia Colombian blend, which is one of my favorites. I usually drink this one or Donut Shoppe, especially when I'm gaming :) If you maybe don't enjoy the robust flavor, adding a splash of milk is also very good.


I try to avoid coffee if I can because the only way I'll drink it is if I load it up with cream and sugar. If I'm super tired, at a work conference, or at church I'll drink it to keep me awake, though.

From Starbucks, I'll always either get a caramel frappechino or a white chocolate mocha (if they even still have those).


lol ... you ruin your coffee!  Stop it @mastermario

Gevalia Columbian Blend is good... the  K-cups are pretty good as well.  I didn't realize Gevalia is now a Kraft-Heinz company.   Gevalia Espresso Roast is also very good.  Probably my go-to outside of Espresso Blend 101 or a couple others.  The local coffee shop had a couple Brazilian Coffees that had a buttery Smell to them.  Not Rancid.. but super tasty.  Hard to explain that one.

Bomber Man

Does hot chocolate count  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma...


lol... sure ... hot chocolate counts as well.   ;D


I like coffee, however I'm no aficionado. I have a coffee pot and usually just make a cup or two of community coffee in the mornings before work. I usually put just a splash of cream and a spoon of sugar in it.


@Jack yeah.... I get that.  I drink the free stuff at work as well.... black  ;D We have decent coffee.. but it's free and that's pretty good.

There is an IT budget for coffee lol.

Princess Peach

The other day I had Starbuck's Pumpkin Spice Latte. I'm all about pumpkin spice but I really enjoy it in autumn. Their latte is good but I have found it can sometimes taste like 'chap stick', as I like to say, or it loses some of that spice flavor. This can be corrected with an extra pump of the pumpkin spice flavoring for a Grande size or 2 extra pumps for a Venti! Definitely works for me!


@Grindspine  --> Old Crown just pushed out a Mummy's Revenge ... and it's ridiculously tasty.  Maybe we could meet for lunch tomorrow or something.


I had dinner there.. and a bourbon sprawl.


I have some of the Mummy's revenge left.   It's really tasty @Grindspine  You'll have to try some.


@Grindspine it's gone... but I do have espresso 101 AND Some of their New Red Panda lol :D  They're both tasty....


I really liked the local coffee shops until the clientele became so obnoxious and politically charged that I couldn't stand to go in anymore... and I went to a liberal arts college...

Now it's the Superior brand crap that supplies the hotel or I'll order some Raven's Brew stuff from Amazon every once in a while. I may just like it because of their crazy names.. so far my favorite is


Old Crown had some Jamaican Blue Mountain again.  My dad said this batch was a bit more bitter than the last though.


@targetrasp I know what you mean.  That's funny though - liberal college (which most college is pretty liberal) should make you ready for about anything lol.  Colleges these days allow stuff waayyyy to far out.  I get it... they want students to explore and to be challenged.  Problem is they're being hijacked by certain causes (I guess that's always been the case).  So far, the clientele at Old Crown is still good.  It's a pretty cool place to go.  So is Firefly... but the Old Crown Brews and coffees are better IMO.   I'll definitely check out the coffee you linked up.   

The Gevalia Espresso Roast is what we normally get from Amazon - subscribed so far, but cancelling soon.  Subscribing to 6 pounds per quarter is quite a bit.  Definitely saves money though.  I thought about going to our local grocery and giving them the chance to price compete a bit and guaranteeing to buy some off them instead of Amazon to give local businesses more money.

@Grindspine I haven't had that one yet... we will have to try it.  The last one we bought from them was Red Panda.  It was good, but we only bought a half pound as it wasn't as good to us at the end.  Espresso Blend 101 still for the win and our favorite.