Darksiders III - PlayStation 4 Apocalypse Edition - Crazy Limited Edition

Started by BLUEVOODU, November 08, 2018, 12:14:34 PM

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Did anyone see this Crazy Limited Edition --> Darksiders III - PlayStation 4 Apocalypse Edition??

Look at this thing:

There are a number of bonus items... but Amazon.com has this listed at $350. 
Darksiders III - PlayStation 4 Apocalypse Edition - Amazon.com

Is it worth it?   This has to be one of the larger amount of items included in a special edition release.  The box is pretty large as well at just shy of 4 feet long.  I only saw a PlayStation4 version... but according to image, there is an Xbox One version as well.   

Thoughts? Comments?  Post it up!


Good grief. I never got into the whole video game statuary so that'll be a hard pass for me. It looks cool but 350 is a smash bros or diablo 3 switch ...


yeah.... I haven't got into statuary as well.   I know @Aya-Kun has an amazing collection.  Not sure how many others this would appeal to... $350 is a ton of money.  Dark Siders is a decent game... but not sure it would be worth buying the collectors piece.

Still bravo for doing something cool.


is there any game you'd drop that kind of money on for some collectible set that's not an actual system?


Well... back in what... 2001?  I dropped $350 on Metal Slug 3 Japanese for the Neo Geo AES.   I never thought twice about it.

Outside the Neo Geo AES.... I Cannot find myself spending that kind of money in this day and age of gaming.... nope.  I mean... if it was the uber-God-of-the-whale armor (old Diablo 1 reference) edition of something I really want, maybe?  I Cannot 100% rule it out though.  I've done it once.  The thing about the Neo Geo AES game, I knew I wasn't going to lose out on the money if I ever needed to sell it off for whatever reason.

If I needed to sell the statues and game, would there even be a market?  possibly.   It's just a unique piece.


The AES stuff I can see.

I'm still attempting to talk myself into getting another AES. The argument I keep tripping over goes something like this "an AES and 5 games I want or a PS2 and 500?" Granted, that's a lot of shovel ware but the 5 games I'd buy and the AES would cost about what the 500 ish ps2 games I don't have and want would cost.


Quote from: targetrasp on November 12, 2018, 11:03:13 PM
The AES stuff I can see.

I'm still attempting to talk myself into getting another AES. The argument I keep tripping over goes something like this "an AES and 5 games I want or a PS2 and 500?" Granted, that's a lot of shovel ware but the 5 games I'd buy and the AES would cost about what the 500 ish ps2 games I don't have and want would cost.

You know me... I love the Neo Geo AES.   I would look into a Neo Geo MVS.   The games are WAY CHEAPER for the most part.  Neo Geo AES games appear to have risen even more than they used to be.  As much as I love the Neo Geo AES and the few games I have for it, I cannot recommend people to get back into it.  I Will say this... If you do buy the AES, you probably will never lose money in it.

We need more Neo Geo topics...


Ahhh MVS. I had a one slotter that the kid's mother made me get rid of. I gave it to my little brother for safe keeping and he sold it off. now I wish I just pulled the board out of the machine and stuck it in a closet somewhere till the succubus was gone.

I'm sure turning an mvs into a console is cake now, but when i had my cabinet it was a messy DIY project.

I just did an ebay search, one slot boards are sub $50 but consolized stuff can get over 700 bucks. an aes and sticks can be had for 400 and that mvs to aes convertor is 300 ish... it almost seems like buying an aes, getting a convertor, and loading up on mvs games (when they should up at the right prices) is the way to go. it's nuts how a 25 year old console is still pulling half it's retail used. boxed stuff (still used) is double retail, i could only imagine what a sealed one goes for.


yeah... I Think it's time to start throwing more Neo Geo topics out there.  Speaking of that.. my 1st one will be about how I need to replace my MVS system.

You need to bring out some of the verbiage below again... those are great topic points.