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Official Recent Game Happenings / Progress Thread

Started by BLUEVOODU, March 02, 2018, 12:21:22 AM

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retro junkie

Working on Project X Zone. Just finished with chapter 6. I think there are like 41 chapters so I am just in the door. I do find the story and interchange between characters interesting. Enjoying this game.
there is no spoon


good to hear, i'm about to start up the first one myself.

retro junkie

I keep picking up characters. Starting to feel like a small army.
there is no spoon


Told myself I would wait a bit before I picked up God of War but that didn't last very long XD So got it yesterday and started playing that I must say it looks absolutely gorgeous.

Also playing Owlboy every now and again in between everything else XD


Been playing God of War like crazy since release. I'm currently on the final Valkyrie fight, the Valkyrie Queen, and holy shit is she hard. I still haven't beaten her. xD


Quote from: Jack on May 03, 2018, 07:22:48 PM
Been playing God of War like crazy since release. I'm currently on the final Valkyrie fight, the Valkyrie Queen, and holy shit is she hard. I still haven't beaten her. xD

You'll get her! I just beat her today myself. (≧∇≦)/

I started up Dark Souls 2 Remastered today with a friend just to run through it again before Dark Souls 1 Remastered hits.

Also, I'm cleaning up trophies in God of War. I have the impossible challenges and just one last region of Midgard to 100%.


Quote from: Strubes on May 04, 2018, 12:39:46 AM
Quote from: Jack on May 03, 2018, 07:22:48 PM
Been playing God of War like crazy since release. I'm currently on the final Valkyrie fight, the Valkyrie Queen, and holy shit is she hard. I still haven't beaten her. xD

You'll get her! I just beat her today myself. (≧∇≦)/

I started up Dark Souls 2 Remastered today with a friend just to run through it again before Dark Souls 1 Remastered hits.

Also, I'm cleaning up trophies in God of War. I have the impossible challenges and just one last region of Midgard to 100%.

I got her down to a QUARTER of her health earlier and then I died to some cheap shit, man. I'm gonna get her, her ass is mine. I also plan on 100%ing the game after I defeat her.


Still playing God of War mainly not rushing it went off exploring once I got to the Lake of Nine XD tho I did click on one thing then regretted it as got one punched from the monster XD

Been playing Overwatch again on and off mainly playing mystery heroes some times go into comp but solo queuing is a bit hit and miss with the team members your going to get


Played pubg with @mastermario and @SpartanEvolved

Played Fortnite a little tonight. Got 3 kills  on a couple matches and 2nd place on 1 match.


I started playing Fortnite for the first time tonight. It's alright. Still like PUBG better right now but I'll give it a good chance to change my mind. I feel like the learning curve is greater with Fortnight with all of the structure building and whatnot.


Quote from: mastermario on May 07, 2018, 02:00:57 AM
I started playing Fortnite for the first time tonight. It's alright. Still like PUBG better right now but I'll give it a good chance to change my mind. I feel like the learning curve is greater with Fortnight with all of the structure building and whatnot.
@mastermario do it on the ps4.  Let's play


Platinumed God of War. Thinking about going back and beating Personal 5 on ng+.

Still playing and cleaning up trophies in Dark Souls 2. Collecting all sorceries, hexes, miracles and pyromancies.


@Strubes Dark souls remastered will be awesome.  I need to play more dark souls 2.  I used to play demons souls... that game was pretty hard too lol

I played a bit of the original Game Boy Tetris last night.  Because Why not?


Have 5 days left on my WoW sub for the month so trying my hardest to get the reps up that I need to unlock the allied races once Battle for Azeroth comes out.


I just started Valkyria Chronicles and Destiny 2 up on the ps4 last night. Having to start all over on Valkyria because it's save was on the ps4 I gave my son and Destiny because it was cheap.


Quote from: BLUEVOODU on May 07, 2018, 10:09:49 AM
Quote from: mastermario on May 07, 2018, 02:00:57 AM
I started playing Fortnite for the first time tonight. It's alright. Still like PUBG better right now but I'll give it a good chance to change my mind. I feel like the learning curve is greater with Fortnight with all of the structure building and whatnot.
@mastermario do it on the ps4.  Let's play


Mai Valentine

There's a patch for FFXIV this month so I've been trying to finish up my relic armor. Got warrior and white mage done, and now I'm almost done with red mage.


Actually been playing a bit of Pokemon Moon lately.  Was watching someone play some pokemon on Youtube so I had an itch and never got around to actually beating it. 


I've been playing a lot of Conan Exiles and Akiba's Beat on PS4 lately.


I took a break from some if the Lego games and have been playing 3DS Zelda: A Link Between Worlds. 

Pretty good game. Made some initial progress


A Link Between Worlds - I flew through that game.

It just came out at the perfect time when I had nothing else to do. It was great... so much like the SNES Zelda game, but in many ways an improvement.


Still grinding on my crowns on Monster Hunter World.  -_-  Haven't gotten any in the past couple days. 


Since I last posted I've gotten another 3 or 4 crowns in MH:W.  I also started Danganronpa on my Vita because I've been watching one of my favorite YouTubers let's play it and it really made me want to experience everything for myself. 

Also, I have House Flipper.  It's weirdly satisfying.


Been playing mostly Overwatch still. Trying to get to level 25 so I can play competitive. At about 17 right meow.


@Kinikko house flipper?  What's weirdly satisfying?  You should make a topic.

@mastermario how long did it take you to get there in overwatch?

I've made life progress lately lol... my son and I scored some good kills in Fortnite.  I really haven't gamed much in 2 weeks trying to tie up some life stuff.


Quote from: BLUEVOODU on June 02, 2018, 10:01:41 AM
@mastermario how long did it take you to get there in overwatch?

@BLUEVOODU Not long. Less than 10 hours I'd say. I played about 3-4 hours this past Saturday and went from 17 to 24 and then finished up to 25 on Sunday.

You get an exp bonus of I believe 20% for playing in a "group" (can just be one person) and other bonuses for wins, kills, and consecutive games played so you can get there really fast if you're in a good team.


I haven't played much lately ... but I made some progress in Zelda a link between worlds 3ds.

@mastermario @SpartanEvolved I'm still considering overwatch. You should create a topic!


I started playing Danganronpa on my PS4.  I have it for vita but i just don't like playing on it much anymore. :/


That spring cleaning thing Steam was doing brought the game 10,000,000 back into my sights. I was 70% on the achievements and figured I could finish it off. Still at 70% after two days...


Started Kingdom Hearts 1.5 on PS4, done it before but haven't wanted to replay them for a while

Also started Little Nightmares, only just started seems a pretty creepy game at times love the atmosphere